Sunday, December 9, 2012


Do you happen to know the way out of this heartbreak town?
Are there any cheap flights to Oblivion?
Yes, please book me on the red eye tonight...
I will fit right in.
This weekend we are giving you three variations on a prompt.  We need you to give us 33 words back, and 2 of those words must be either "cheap flights," "sandwiched in" or "spectacularly clean."  This weekend, your piece must also be non-fiction (poetry or prose).  And yes, we reserve the right to call your mothers and former lovers to ask for verification on your tales.


Draug said...

That's sad ): But well-written!

Kelly said...

Thanks, Draug. Yes, sad but this too shall pass.

Marie Nicole said...

Oh my! This is my FAVORITE of all submissions I've read so far... And you are right, this too shall pass. It always does!

kymm said...

Could be worse. Could be on an expensive flight to Oblivion. *sorry*

Steph said...

It is sad,but easy to relate to. Who among us hasn't endured a heartbreak? Nice writing.

Unknown said...

Loved this one. Nice piece.

Tara R. said...

This was achingly beautiful. Well done.

rashmenon said...

is this prose or is it poetry? beautifully done!

Anonymous said...

This is really nice. Sad, yes, but nice. Thanks for linking up. Hope to see you back soon.