Wednesday, December 15, 2010

You Will Know Me


You Will Know Me

Creativity is the Creator's will for me
Throughout my world I see endless possibilities

A shining vessel perched atop the fire
To it, I will add my heart's desire
Aromatic spices and fine cuts of meat
You will know me when you sit down to eat

A coil-ringed notebook sits waiting for words
A voice for the reticent, meant to be heard
Onto the page spills my heart and my needs
You will know me when you sit down to read

Bolts of cloth gather, longing for shape
Colours and textures into which I escape
Garments and quilts with love they're adorned
You will know me when you feel the warmth

A dark thief lies in wait for my creative being
My eyes are a mirror, the seen keep on seeing
My limbs rendered useless, they hang in despair
You will know me when you taste my tears 

My pen as my sword, I will fight my dark lover
I will not succumb though the line I may hover
At the end of the day I plan to break free 
And then you will know me....creatively

Creativity is the Creator's will for me
Throughout my world I see endless possibilities

This week's prompt at Mama Kat's Writing Workshop:

Describe yourself in five words. Choose one, and write a poem.


Unknown said...

Scattered AND organized. I love it. Your blog name is very creative. Awesome. Love your poem.

Anonymous said...

I love your post! What a gift from the Creator!

The Drama Mama said...

Absolutely beautiful. I love the way you put it together. You are creative, and you have well defined it.

Kelly said...

LwK - My physical world is extremely organized but inside my head is a big scattered mess. Hence the contradiction. Thank you.

JDaniel4's Mom - Thank you and yes it is a gift.

Drama Mama - Thanks for your kind words.